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0.05 seconds. That's usually all it takes for users to form an impression based on a visual such as a website or image.        

Digital brand assets are foundational to a strong brand. 

In today's digital age, 87% say that product photos are very important when making a purchase decision online (CMO Council).  

Jonah Sachs believes that a brand is a story that is told across all customer touchpoints. Discover how digital brand assets are crucial to telling a brand's story.

Three tile images detailing 3 different file formats for Images, Video and Sound

Definition of Digital Brand Assets 

Digital brand assets play a crucial role in building and maintaining a strong online presence. They are a subset of digital assets that are specifically designed to create a strong emotional connection with your online audience and enhance their interaction with your brand. 

Some common areas that relate to digital brand assets include: 

  • Logo: Your brand's visual symbol that represents your identity.
  • Website: The digital hub where users learn about your brand and products.
  • Mobile Apps: Branded applications that offer value or convenience. 
  • Social Media Profiles: Consistent profiles on platforms like Facebook,LinkedIn,Twitter, and Instagram.
  • Digital Content: Blog posts, articles, videos, podcasts, and infographics that share your brand's message.
  • Email Templates: Customised email designs and templates for marketing and communication.
  • Visual Elements: Icons, graphics, banners, and illustrations used in branding materials.
  • User Interface (UI): The design and layout of your website or app.
  • User Experience (UX): How users interact with and experience your digital platforms.

Importance of Branding in the Digital Age 

As digital brand assets are foundational to a strong brand and brand identity, they play a pivotal role in advertising and marketing success as they increase brand recall and competitive advantage through eye-catching visuals and unique creative elements. This is especially important in a crowded marketplace and digital age, where strong brand identity is key to success.

The Role of Digital Brand Assets

Visual Identity 

A strong visual identity creates an emotional connection that ultimately increases customer spending. Consistency in branding leads to trust and a strong brand identity, as it allows individuals to instantly recognise the brand across different channels. In such a crowded marketplace, your unique brand identity is fundamental to boosting brand awareness and affinity, so ensuring visual elements of your brand are compelling and consistent across all channels is crucial.  

Brand assets play a central role in brand perception, so they need to be distinctive, high quality and consistent. This is also where the importance of logos, brand colours, and distinctive typography comes to the forefront. 

Formalising brand identity through a style guide also saves time and increases both brand consistency and rollout.  

Videos and Multimedia Content  

Videos and multimedia content engage with audiences more deeply and effectively. 95% of information that users gather through videos is remembered (Forbes). These mediums also engage audiences through storytelling and more effectively convey brand messaging.  

Corporate Imagery 

Corporate imagery, including professional photography and graphics, is an essential component of a cohesive brand image as it shapes and communicates brand identity. It also: 

  • Successfully differentiates the brand from competitors  
  • Maintains consistency 
  • Enhances brand recall 
  • Contributes to overall professionalism and brand trust  

Phone displaying social media icons on screen

Digital Brand Assets For Branding

Strong visual elements and consistent branding significantly improves and increases brand recall. A brand’s visual identity is the impression created by the aesthetics - which may include any number of digital brand assets; the sum of these elements creating a unique representation of the brand. The importance of consistency cannot be underestimated, with a survey finding that brand consistency contributed to revenue growth by 10% to 20% (Marq). 


As a result of the ‘mere exposure effect’, familiarity means that individuals show preference for something due to previous exposure. This phenomenon means consistent branding results in brand familiarity and grows trust.  

Strengthen Brand Identity 

Digital brand assets play a vital role in brand perception so are important to execute effectively. For example, using an old or arbitrary colour palette can damage brand identity. Without any, or with very diluted branding, it becomes difficult to recognise brand identity and values. Brand assets that could potentially be used include brand logo (in many different variations), brand guidelines (in the form of a PDF), fonts, and colour palettes specific to your brand, brand-approved templates, and marketing materials.  

Emotional Connection 

Visual storytelling elicits positive emotions which helps to establish a deeper connection with the audience. Strong digital brand assets contribute to strengthening brand identity across various platforms for cohesion and consistency, enhancing brand perception and trust.  

3 tiles displaying various website layouts

Leveraging Digital Brand Assets For Success

Website and Social Media Presence  

For a consistent brand experience, it’s important to incorporate digital brand assets. Key elements of consistent branding include having a well-designed, accessible website and a strong social media presence. Key to a strong brand, a powerful digital presence also leads to high user engagement and conversion. This is because a website serves as a central hub for showcasing products, services and brand values, and is the ideal platform to showcase the brand’s visual identity. Social media platforms are also crucial as they offer a direct channel to engage with the target audience.   

Content Marketing and Advertising 

It is essential to utilise digital brand assets throughout content marketing and advertising, as they enhance content quality, reach, and create impact across campaigns. Using consistent digital brand assets throughout results in high brand recall and memorability. 

Best Practices for Creating Digital Brand Assets 

Hiring Professionals  

It is best practice to hire professional designers, photographers, and videographers to craft your digital brand assets due to their expertise and creativity. Not only will they save time, they will also thoughtfully craft and set up a stylistic vision first. They can also help take care of any legal and copyright considerations that most less experienced (or less specialised) staff are unaware of. 

Establishing Brand Guidelines  

Digital brand guidelines offer numerous benefits for businesses looking to establish a strong, consistent brand presence across digital platforms. 

Some key advantages include:  

  • Consistency: Digital brand guidelines provide clear instructions and standards for the use of brand elements, such as logos, colours, typography, imagery, and tone of voice. By following these guidelines, businesses can ensure a consistent brand experience across various digital touchpoints, such as websites, social media, apps, and advertising campaigns. Consistency builds brand recognition and fosters trust among audiences. 
  • Brand integrity: Digital brand guidelines help maintain the integrity of a brand by providing rules and recommendations for its visual and verbal representation. These guidelines outline how the brand should be presented, ensuring the brand remains true to its core values, personality, and identity. This consistency in branding enhances brand authenticity and helps businesses establish a strong and memorable presence within the digital landscape.  

The Takeaway 

In today's digital age and crowded marketplace, strong branding is more important than ever. The building blocks of a strong brand are its digital brand assets as its visual identity. 

Man reading work papers with screens in background

Let's Talk.

Are you ready to take the next step towards the ideal digital strategy for your business? Contact us today to set up a free consultation. 

To learn more about our branding services we offer at Dapth, see: 

Talk to us - get in touch today about building a strong brand.  


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