Winners are integrated digital grinners.

To stay competitive in today’s market, we need to make sure staff and customers have access to everything they need anywhere and at any time. 

The integrated digital world is making many tasks easier, but also harder. By integrating your different technologies together, businesses can grow organically without having to worry about imploding, due to lack of efficiency or growth.

The truth is, systems that aren’t integrated, lead to an inevitable increase in total operational cost and resource consumption. 

You should consider integrating all your business systems if any of these apply to you: 

  • Your company has grown beyond its current system's capabilities
  • Your company has multiple locations or divisions
  • You need real-time data across all departments
  • You have experienced significant growth over the last few years but haven't had a corresponding increase in IT resources.

If you find yourself spending more than 10% of your time on administrative tasks, then there may be a need for integration between different business systems too. Or, if you have multiple people working on the same task or project, but they don’t always use the same system or even share information with each other, then this could also indicate a lack of integration between these business systems.

Lack of real-time reporting is a serious inefficiency.

Are you struggling to get a view of business performance in a timely fashion or having to access multiple platforms to access data? 

3rd party tools are the new black. They offer a plethora of business data, but not always in a timely manner or with real-time insight - which can make it difficult for managers to understand what's really happening at their company on any given day. 

Sometimes, with just one simple integration into your system, organisations can take new aspects of their performance from one place without exhaustive searching through multiple data sources. The risk is, you’re either making critical decisions slowly, based on inaccurate information, or are heavily reliant on that one staff member. When that long term staff member with that gut instinct (or spidey senses) suddenly leaves - they take all their knowledge and experience with them. 

Then, it can be very hard for a business to figure things out or connect the loose pieces.

Customers and staff are frustrated, retention feels like grind.

Your company needs a distinctive strategy that will set it apart from the rest of your competitors. Due to fierce competition for both your staff and potential customers (thanks to this hyper digital age we live in), it’s important for your business to provide exceptional user experiences. For a sustainable company, customer satisfaction (or lack of frustration) is key!

With an integrated software system, your employees can service their customers more effectively with instant access and information at hand; creating great experiences for both. 

Here at Dapth, we’re experts in systems integration, and even we know it’s not easy. That’s why we work with our clients to understand their business challenges and review how the related processes interact. Our team of experts can integrate your current tools into one cohesive system, allowing you to focus on growing your business, instead of worrying about all the moving parts within it.

The benefits of integrating business systems with Dapth.

We’re software agnostic, meaning we’re trying to connect you, not convert you and will choose the software we feel works for you and will solve your unique problems. 

Our team work with a mixed agile methodology, taking small steps with the greatest benefit first. We speak the lingo with your software provider so you don’t have to, and, as our team is local you have a friendly face you can trust.

Daniel del Pino
Digital Solutions Manager, Dapth
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