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A website that is like a mine site – the good stuff is underneath the surface.

To achieve their current level of success, Iluka has invested carefully in all their valuable resources – whether they’re in the earth, amongst their staff, or online. Which is why they knew that for the company to take the next step, they would need a highly customisable website, with all the in-house education required to make the most of it.

The new website they envisioned would allow them to make the most of strong marketing tools, along with enabling content management staff the ability to add and remove specialised features for any page of the site. In order to empower the team at Iluka to fully manage the website on their own after delivery, hands-on training and a clear 'how to' guide was also needed. And all this would need to be delivered to a very specific timeline.

The website required integration with the ASX, version control, searchable document storage and an event management system. To support Iluka in their digital transformation and ensure the success of this project, our goal was to create a website that catered to a wide range of users, with a well-thought-out user journey.

“Iluka is an international mineral sands company headquartered in Perth, Western Australia. Using the Kentico platform, our team built a site that enabled complete control over layout, content and information architecture.”

A good looking site, with content fully controlled by Iluka.

As we started our investigation into Iluka’s requirements, it became clear that Kentico CMS would give Iluka’s content managers the highly intuitive management platform they were looking for. We developed a wide range of features, including an editable homepage banner,   along with hero banners for child pages. This provided website editors with the ability to ensure  banner content always reflected Iluka’s current focus and messaging.

There were no surprises for their editors working with web page content – with WYSIWYG editing what they saw in the editing screen is what they’d get on the resulting published pages.

To ensure the website update process was as convenient as possible, editors were given the capacity to schedule content to be published or unpublished as needed. In addition, we created a single media library to ensure all website images and other assets could be easily maintained and accessed. The content team were given access to version control, allowing them to roll back to previous versions of a webpage as needed.

Emphasis was on guiding investors to the relevant documentation.

Guiding website visitors to the information they needed was done in a hybrid manner, using a mega menu navigation and on page widgets. An image carousel (which also supports video) was added to the website‘s landing page to highlight the news and reports most relevant to users. We added a top menu bar which offered a simple three-stage navigation pathway for users, allowing them to easily browse the wide range of content being placed on the site. We also built a search bar that included the use of search filters for a more effective result generation.

There is more to this website than good design and simple content management. Iluka’s large collection of documents found a home in a versatile and easy-to-use document library. Combined with a widget to allow easy access to these documents, users can now quickly filter, search and identify the documents they are looking for.

What made this project a success?

Iluka were extremely happy with the resulting website, and training provided, allowing them to retain completely control over the layout, content, and information architecture of the website. The team can continue to evolve the site to meet their ongoing long-term growth. It a very short delivery timeframe we managed to help with:

  • Mobile first responsive design
  • Email marketing campaign management
  • Quarterly and annual reporting integrations
  • Sitewide search (and suggested search) across content pages, news articles and document data.
  • News module with search functionality
  • ASX integration for share price
  • Community consultation and feedback pages
  • Advanced workflows & page versioning

Need an easy to manage website that isn’t over engineered but still does some clever things? Speak to our team today.

FAQs about Iluka Resources’ Website Development

How did the website development for Iluka Resources Perth enhance user experience?

The website development for Iluka Resources Perth significantly enhanced the user experience by creating a more intuitive and visually engaging platform. The new design focuses on user-friendly navigation, quick load times, and mobile responsiveness, ensuring that users can easily access information across all devices. Features such as interactive elements and streamlined content organisation make it easier for visitors to find what they need, thus improving overall satisfaction and engagement.

What role did integration development play in the new Iluka Resources Perth website?

Integration development played a crucial role in the new Iluka Resources Perth website by connecting various systems and functionalities to create a seamless user experience. This included integrating customer relationship management (CRM) tools, data analytics platforms, and other essential business applications. These integrations ensure that all data is synchronised and easily accessible, allowing for more efficient operations and better user interactions. Additionally, it supports automated processes, reducing the manual workload for the Iluka Resources team.

What were the key features implemented in the Iluka Resources Perth website development project?

The key features implemented in the Iluka Resources Perth website development project include:

  • A modern and responsive design that works seamlessly across all devices.
  • An intuitive navigation system that allows users to quickly find relevant information.
  • Integration with CRM and data analytics tools to provide comprehensive user insights.
  • Interactive elements that enhance user engagement.
  • A secure content management system that enables easy updates and content management by the Iluka Resources team.
  • Enhanced security features to protect user data and ensure compliance with industry standards.

How does the new website support Iluka Resources Perth’s business objectives?

The new website supports Iluka Resources Perth's business objectives by providing a robust platform that enhances their digital presence and operational efficiency. The improved user experience helps attract and retain visitors, increasing engagement and potential business opportunities. The integrated systems allow for better data management and analysis, enabling Iluka Resources to make informed decisions and optimise their operations. Additionally, the website's modern design and functionality reflect the company's commitment to innovation and excellence, bolstering their brand reputation.

What benefits did Iluka Resources Perth gain from the integration development?

The benefits gained from the integration development for Iluka Resources Perth include:

  • Streamlined operations through the automation of various processes.
  • Enhanced data accuracy and accessibility, leading to better decision-making.
  • Improved user experience with seamless interactions between different systems.
  • Reduced manual workload for the team, allowing them to focus on more strategic tasks.
  • Increased efficiency in managing customer relationships and analysing user data.

How did the website development project address the specific needs of Iluka Resources Perth?

The website development project addressed the specific needs of Iluka Resources Perth by focusing on creating a tailored solution that meets their unique requirements. This involved:

  • Conducting a thorough analysis of their existing website and identifying pain points.
  • Developing a user-centric design that enhances navigation and accessibility.
  • Implementing integrations with key business tools to streamline operations.
  • Ensuring that the website is easily manageable by Iluka Resources staff, with minimal need for external support.
  • Incorporating robust security measures to protect sensitive data and comply with industry standards.

By addressing these needs, the project successfully delivered a website that supports Iluka Resources Perth’s goals and enhances their digital capabilities.

Enough about us. 

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