Using an eCommerce experience without the final checkout stage, what happens next will shock you.

Our goal was to reduce phone call inquiries. That is not a typo. Brooks Group had a clever solution to their problem of spending too much time on the phone when an eCommerce-like experience could support and streamline their sales process without the final 'check out' step.


Digital Strategy

Website Design



The process

Brooks Hire knew that their customers were busy, and most of the time had an idea of what they were after

Using an eCommerce approach they used the website to list items, and at any stage customers could submit an enquiry, creating an online account and profile. The request can then be accessed and edited by a member of the Brooks Hire sales team before converting it to a ready-to-pay invoice.

The goal was simple, make it quick for a customer to select what they are wanting to enquire about, but also ensure that there is still a step for a member of the Brooks Hire team to check, recommend and confirm that the appropriate equipment has been selected for the job.

For example, a customer may want to order a 36 ton excavator but there are 22 different attachments that it could have (dig, carry or crush). A customer may simply know they want an excavator, and can click to request a quote, or they may also continue adding an attachment and then request a quote. Either way, a member of Brooks Hire will see the request, and review it before a ‘check out stage’ ensuring the customer gets exactly what they need.

Brooks Hire is already a leader in the equipment hire industry, a well known family business with trucks seen all over WA. The website was created to be functional (it had a clear purpose). They wanted to take advantage of a simple click-to-cart eCommerce experience to help customers select what they are enquiring about, without them having the ability to accidentally have the wrong 20 ton truck appear on their doorstep.

Naturally showcasing the huge range of products available was essential, this would allow customers to see what is available, but also end up drastically increasing Brooks Hire’s search engine performance. Naturally if you create a content page for every single piece of equipment as well as every attachment available, then a website like this will have a mass of keywords to then be found via Google. That is exactly what happened post launch, website impressions and traffic exploded. We imported over 1000 assets (products) into their content management system, boosting SEO performance.

Digital solutions

Creating customer accounts to streamline enquiries and quoting

Due to the busy nature of their customers and the need for a quick and easy ordering process, the product search and filtering hierarchy was combined with an add to cart (or quote request function). Customers could choose a specific product based on make and model, but if unsure what attachments to put with it, they can still request a quote allowing Brooks to sort the specifics with them.

The Brooks Hire service team could review and order and plan their follow up call, to have ready information such as availability, best attachment options or alternative equipment options. This lowered the risk of a frustrated user experience and lost website visitors who were too busy to locate the exact product needed. It also enabled sales staff to better manage workloads and provide next level support to their customers.

This would also mean that when the same customer returned at another time, they could view their previous orders and request the same again without having to go through the process again.


Leveraging the power of Kentico, and saving Brooks Hire from their previous website developer

Brooks Hire was stuck with an old website on Kentico Version 8, it was also using a Kentico shared server license meaning they were restricted in future upgrades and functionality, essentially, they were stuck. They weren’t happy with their current Kentico website developer, and were looking for a team who had 100% local in-house Kentico developers in Perth.

We worked alongside the team, to quickly and completely rebuild the website on Kentico Version 12. This created a stable foundation for Brooks to activate their website strategy upon. Our digital team recommended a new information architecture (IA) in a way that helped the average joe navigate the site, find the products they need and quickly submit a request for a quote. User experience (UX) was at the core of the solution, enabling busy customers to quickly and easily get the service they needed before picking up the phone. Our developers then created an importing tool to take a spreadsheet with all the assets listed, and import the data directly into Kentico, creating new product pages for Brooks administrators to then edit and modify, saving considerable content migration time.

Brooks Hire would later hire a full-time marketeer, who we trained and supported to manage the content of the site. Eventually, they grew to a point where it made sense for them to hire their own website developer, our development team helped to hand over the required to allow Brooks Group to be completely independent.

“Brook Hire is one of the best examples of a customer on the right digital transformation journey, we started with saving the day, putting them on the right path. They focused on a website with a clear functional purpose (instead of all aesthetics and function being secondary). Later they would hire a full-time marketeer and eventually their own website developer. They went from one website to four, all with the same base foundation, with sights set to grow even more including building an internal mobile application.”

A transformative impact

Key Achievements

The client wanted to streamline the customer experience by building a website that gave customers quick and easy access to the product Brook Hire have to offer.

  • Build a functional website with a clear purpose
  • Enhance customer experiences with quick access to the right product, product details, search functionality and product filtering
  • Need guidance on future system updates and potential website opportunities into the future.
  • Have the same (local) developers who built your website train your team on how to use the website.
  • Imported instantly 1000 products, including tags and metadata to later be used with a product filtering functionality.
  • Thinking about leveraging live chat functionality.
  • Advice on product organisation, using a hierarchy and categories such as excavators, dump trucks, rollers, dozers, trucks, generators, accessories or whatever it is you offer.
  • Add dynamic filters based on category, equipment class, make and model.
  • Use quote request and checkout automation process, with a secure customer account areas.
  • Have all the standard features of a website, a mobile responsive layout, generic page templates, news page and blog functionality, workflows, custom widgets and more.

We transform

Transforming organisations across WA