The Dapth design methodology is set up to guide your project from idea, all the way through to delivery. To establish a user-lead design, a deep dive discovery process takes place. Watch as we digitally unite your user to the goal you would like to achieve through design.
A user today is not the same as 100 years ago, even 1 year ago, in fact more likely habits are changing daily (and that’s had to keep up with). Your digital tools are competing with digital experiences across all devices, meaning that a user is expecting things they see on everyday devices. If you can’t provide some resonance of a quality experience, there will be a competitor waiting to do so.
Our user experience designers craft their visual artwork taking into consideration how the technology will be able to implement their design. An example of this is a website - it needs to consider mobile responsiveness and the platform on which it’s built, an extension of proprietary software however may have design limitations (when everything is fully customisable).
We assign the right user experience designer with your project and may change them across platforms as needed.