
Your interactive digital prototype is safe in our digital hands.

We’re the gap between a boring slide show presentation and a fully developed solution. It makes sense to prototype with us.

The expensive part of any digital project is the coding. Once it gets into the hands of developers, costs increase as does the complexity. We triage all our digital development projects into the first step of the create process, which is to visualise. 

This moves from UI to UX, then to an interactive prototype. We like to make things clear and transparent. And, what better way to do this, than first getting to assess and test the visuals before the coding begins. 

Once a prototype is created, you can confidently pitch investors, stakeholders, or trial on real customers. This means that by the time your idea gets to the ‘build’ stage, it has already been refined and all are sure that what will be developed is on point.

“Wastage in digital projects comes from failing to manage your delivery plan, that is having no interactive prototype guided by a clearly defined roadmap. Developers are left to build and infer user experiences, validation then typically made after build.”

Phil Allen - Director of Dapth

Prototype perfection

Looking to turn your idea into an interactive prototype?

Interactive digital prototypes are literally a working visual interface that looks like a real product. 

Instead of being provided with a series of flat images on a slide show, our designers create a digital experience for you to click through and interact with. These working models show what your finished digital product could look like, skipping the consideration of any limitations that may be present in the development stage. 

The aim of the prototype is to avoid the costly development stage and give you something tangible to dissect further to refine the final development brief. This enables complete transparency and helps facilitate the scoping process. 

The next step after creating a prototype is validating the assumptions made for how your users would interact with your idea. Our interactive prototypes will allow you to confirm the user cases, refine your project requirements, cross check your user profiles and better showcase to stakeholders for organisational buy into the future development project.

It is the process where our consultants extract a level of detail required for our designers to build an interactive mock-up of your idea or product. As a user, it would allow you to click a button, interact with a menu and input data into forms. It enables a level of interaction required to adequately confirm that the developed product is in line with expectation.

To create a prototype, the same level of detail is required for the development phase of the project. The difference is you get something to test and click through before your idea is locked down by code. The items delivered in the prototype phase are all used in development so there is no wastage in expense. 

In most cases, prototyping will reduce costs in development (or risk of scope creep as the end solution was sampled before build). Prototypes are essential as they allow for testing of user flow and context consumption by allowing users to test the prototype as if it was fully functioning software.

A basic prototype is technically a slide show, sometimes an excel document, then custom images in Photoshop - but that is not what we do.

At Dapth, we create an interactive mock-up (or prototype) – it’s the next level above a custom image, with clickable options and responses to your actions. We provide levels of prototypes based on goals and budgets, from low to high fidelity mock-ups. 

Get in touch if you want us to show you what this looks like and how these would apply to your project.

Next steps

Talk to us and see how we can transform your digital projects to the next level